Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Template

In April 2016, the USEPA released a new MS4 General Permit for Massachusetts. Minimum Control Measure 6 (Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention for Permittee Owned Operations) of the 2016 MA-MS4 Permit requires municipalities to develop and implement a written Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for all permittee-owned or operated maintenance garages, public works yards, transfer stations, and other waste handling facilities where pollutants are exposed to stormwater. This document must be in place two (2) years from the effective date of the permit (Due: July 1, 2019).

Under a stormwater technical assistant grant from MassDEP, the CMRSWC, along with the engineering firm Fuss & O’Neill, updated an existing CMRSWC template for municipalities to use when creating a SWPPP for their applicable facilities. The SWPPP template was first developed in 2012 to comply with the 2003 MA-MS4 Permit and was generally based on USEPA’s guidance for SWPPPs under the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP), which addresses stormwater pollution prevention at industrial facilities. The revised SWPPP template meets the requirements of the 2016 MA-MS4 Permit, remains consistent with USEPA’s MSGP SWPPP guidance, and can be customized to reflect the likely pollution sources and activities at applicable facilities. 

CMRSWC conducted training workshops for municipal employees of MS4-regulated communities on developing SWPPPs (June 2020 SWPPP workshop presentation). Links to the template (in Microsoft Word and PDF formats) are provided below. This information should be included in or referenced by a municipality’s Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP).

The SWPPP template was originally designed for use by the CMRSWC communities. Other communities are welcome to use this SWPPP template, but we encourage them to review the disclaimers and limitations that apply to use.